The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26) was an event of gigantic scale hosting 120 world leaders and over 40,000 participants for two weeks whilst making sure there was enough space to social distance according to the COVID rules at the time. There are a lot of 'building blocks' when it comes to events of this magnitude, and COP26 wasn't any different.
Event Cycle was entrusted by Identity Group and Her Majesty’s Government to identify and distribute valuable leftover building materials once the event had been and gone. Although a lot of these materials could have been recycled, the more sustainable choice is to keep the materials in use as they are and what better way than within the local community in Glasgow.
From road barriers to sand, tools and shelves to jerry cans, PPE to tarpaulin, it takes an awful lot to put together an event with a 3 month build time. With climate change at the top of the agenda, the items couldn’t go to waste and Event Cycle got to work with their network to what they could place with charities, community groups and social enterprises.
Protecting pedestrians
Transition Sterling, the environmental charity that focuses on helping the people of Stirlingshire transition to a more resilient, sustainable way of living, received road barriers and sand. They intend to use the road barriers as pedestrian barriers to keep their customers out of risk areas in their warehouse.
A safe space for men

Men's Shed Springburn and Milngavie and Bearsden Men’s Shed are both organisations operating in the city of Glasgow to address Men’s Mental Health in a constructive and creative way. By getting men together to work on a community project, the initiative allows space for men to talk, upskill and benefit the area around them, boosting self-esteem, confidence and building a community of their own with their work. Whilst still active during COVID the donated PPE kit will protect the men on their projects, tools will be used in their workshops and paint and shelving used on one of their many construction contracts.
Community Construction

EBI Unites is a volunteer social enterprise that is currently under the umbrella of a local Development Trust, providing community support in the fields of food & fuel poverty, mental health, and physical wellbeing. They received sand and timber that will be used to extend the space at one of their community hubs, Barnhill Farm.
Helping history stay afloat
Not just people, Event Cycle also managed to help in the upkeep of a legendary ship!
We’re referring to the Glenlee ship. Built in 1896, the former merchant sailing vessel will be 125 years old this year, the last remaining three-masted Clydebuilt ship still afloat in the UK.
The mission of the Clyde Maritime Trust is to care for the Glenlee and share the history of ships built on the Clyde for the benefit of all to enjoy and learn through its unique maritime heritage and legacy. They received water hoses, pumps, PPE kits, and jerry cans that they plan to use to maintain the Glenlee ship.
Community cultivation
Would you believe us if we told you COP26’s legacy also helped some flowers bloom? Because that’s exactly what Deansmeadow Allotments Association did! They received the watering system from the VVIP garden area at COP26, which they will use to water their plants and help their members develop an interest in all things nature.
Insulating the communities of Scotland
One particular challenge was the repurposing of Rockwool insulation and insulation panels. Made from natural stone, the insulation is known to provide improvements in terms of fire resilience, sound-proofing, robustness, and aesthetic appeal. As the conference was held in winter, insulation was necessary to keep the heat inside the many temporary structures required for the event. Event Cycle started searching through their network and managed to find a few different homes for the nearly new materials.
The first charity that we found to make use of the insulation panels was a volunteer social enterprise operating under the umbrella of the local Development Trust, EBI Unites, which provides essential support to local Scottish communities. Their dedicated volunteers run a number of initiatives across the areas of food & fuel poverty, mental health, and physical wellbeing for the increased resilience and support of local people.
“The insulation and the timber is earmarked for an emu shelter when we get time. The emu is part of the animal interaction for physical and mental wellbeing.”
Chris Reid. EBI Unites
Next, Event Cycle was able to make another sizeable donation of the Rockwool insulation to a number of Men’s Sheds in the area to make use of in thier community-focused endeavours.
Finally, the non-profit organisation, ReSet Scenery, took the rest of the Rockwool off of our hands. It is their aim to provide the Scottish entertainment industry with an environmentally responsible circular alternative to landfill for its unwanted scenery, props, and furniture. They achieve this through the responsible and safe de-construction of items that are no longer usable, ensuring that all other materials are retained for further use. The next generation of green arts practitioners are inspired through the supply of a full stock of materials to public primary and secondary schools.
Re-Set Scenery had also been the first port of call for any set and prop materials needed in the design of the event. This was to make sure we were using repurposed materials before anything else. Additional items were sent back to them for the reuse of other agencies, theatres, and community groups. And we were happy to provide them with insulation panels, which are set to be used in the soundproofing of a local music studio.
Get in touch and realise the benefits of item donation and repurposing with Event Cycle.