We’re Event Cycle and we’re here to help project planners with sustainable solutions that create a lasting social legacy in the process.
With first-hand experience in the events industry, we champion sustainable change that protects the planet and the people on it. We do this by providing event sustainability consulting that suggests practical solutions, integrates social impact features and experiences and determines repurposing and redistribution routes for surplus event materials with charities, community groups, schools and social enterprises.
Ultimately, we want to change mindsets, reduce event waste and encourage a change to a more circular economy.
We want to make sure that we manage our client's surplus materials within the first four tiers of this waste hierarchy.
The “waste hierarchy” ranks waste management options according to what is best for the environment. It gives top priority to preventing waste in the first place. When waste is created, it gives priority to preparing it for re-use, then recycling, then recovery, and last of all disposal (e.g. landfill). In essence, we want to avoid sending anything to landfill, and instead reuse as much as possible.
By being involved from the beginning of the project, Event Cycle is able to advise on rethinking the waste management systems and support in the design for greatest impact.
We encourage the reduction of the amount of items that need to be bought, and instead we promote reuse both for the event itself, and also post event to redistribute to charities, community groups and social enterprises.
We will support the preparation of the reuse, by checking and if needs be, repairing certain items to avoid them going to waste.
Any items that cannot be reused in their initial form, but their material can be recovered, we will redistribute into separate waste streams.

Reuse / Rethink / Redesign
Reduce and reuse
Preparing for reuse
Recycling, composting
& anaerobic
Disposal &

We're always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Get in touch to talk all things sustainability and social impact for your next project.
+44 (0)20 7050 0734